"Your employees are already on social media, now it's up to you to decide whether you want to take control or not."

David Martinez Calduch
Fundador y Consultor en Soluciona Facil

What we can do for you

Manuals of good conduct in Social Networks

We develop manuals of good conduct for your company, provide awareness sessions, and train your employees to make good use of social networks.

Awareness Seminars and Conferences

We provide awareness sessions to your direct team and your employees, on the dangers of misuse of social networks, and what measures to take to avoid making mistakes that can harm them and the company.

Training your employees

We train your management team and your employees on the dangers and benefits of social networks.

How to use them correctly and what is the company's policy in this regard.

Personal and Professional Branding
Your professional reputation is everything in the offline world, and also in the online world.

¿Quieres evitar que tus empleados puedan poner en problemas a tu empresa en las redes sociales?

Contáctanos y te diremos como te podemos ayudar

+34960501215 [tel+34960501215] / skype: solucionafacil[skype:solucionafacil?call] / info@solucionafacil.es